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5 Energy-Rich Foods

“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.” - La Rochefoucauld

Article By Andi

In the hustle and bustle of today’s society, we ALL can use a little more energy. Why not get it from our foods? With the sale of “5 hour energy” and its myriad of derivatives on the rise, coffee as a daily staple, and over 25% of Americans consuming fast food regularly, I cannot help but think that the idea of “food as fuel” has been lost somewhere along the line. We are what we eat, and most of us are deficient is some vitamin or another.

My disclaimer of course is that I feel its important to take a multivitamin everyday that is packed full of minerals as well as vitamins. Which brings me to disclaimer number two, hydration. Its important to drink several glasses of water everyday. A large percentage of people are dehydrated which leads to fatigue, weakness, headaches, and joint & muscle pain. If that’s not a solid case for drinking more water, I don’t know what is.

That being said, here are 5 foods that will help fight fatigue, keep your immune system in tip top shape, and get you back on the top of your game:

1. Berries – Berries such as Raspberries and Strawberries are full of antioxidants, Vitamin C, and Iron. These aid in cardiovascular health, immune support and that oh so important energy. They are not only delicious but are lower in sugar than other fruits, naturally low in fat, and loaded with fiber. You just can’t go wrong with a cup of Raspberries as a healthy but delicious snack.

Extra Tip: Berries tend to go bad quickly. If you wash the berries, wrap them in a damp paper towel, and seal them tight in plastic tupperware, they can last over a week in the fridge.

2. Salmon – We hear how fish is brain food, but energy food? Salmon is not only packed full of protein, but its high in Omega 3 fatty acids which are essential to our body. We cannot produce them on our own and MUST get them from our diet. Studies done by nutritional experts and dieticians show that a whopping 80% of the population is estimated to be deficient in Essential Fatty Acids (EFA). The most common symptom of which is, you guessed it, fatigue. This is not to mention that EFA help to process other vitamins and minerals that are necessary to keep you going all day, everyday.

3. Nuts & Seeds – Nuts and seeds are not only packed full of healthy fats and oils, but they are naturally high in zinc. Zinc is a powerful antioxidant, and even greater still, it’s believed to help boost your body’s immune system and aid in tissue repair. When you are not expending energy behind the scenes to fight off viruses and heal general wear and tear, you have a lot more energy to go about your daily activities.

4. Eggs, Meat & Cheese – Protein is essential for a healthy mind and body. Not enough protein in your diet can lead to weakness, fatigue and even low immune functioning. Eggs are packed full of protein and zinc for extra protection. Animal meats are complete proteins, packed full of everything you need to combat daily fatigue… Don’t over do it though. Small amounts of meat can go a long way and a full belly can slow you down even more. Keep your servings small (the size of your fist at most) and eat slowly and chew well to save all that extra energy during digestion. Don’t eat meat? Soy is a great alternative for vegan and vegetarians… although it isn’t the perfect substitute for animals fats and proteins, so be sure to take a daily supplement to give you what you aren’t getting from your meals.

5. Yogurt – A natural sugar free yogurt is one of my favorite snacks. I usually eat Fage 0% (Edit: I now am dairy-free and love the So Delicious Coconut Yogurt) with a few drops of lemon flavored stevia and fresh raspberries. Its fat free, super low in carbohydrates and packed full of good bacteria. Its pretty tart, but its oh so good. Yogurt is probiotic which means its packed full of “good bacteria” that keep your system healthy. Kefir is a wonderful alternative if you’re not into yogurt. It’ll keep you energized and ready for the day!

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