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The Happy Lotus

It's easy as humans to think that our happiness is dependent on external circumstances. After all when something good happens, we feel really happy. Although that happiness is not real happiness, it is circumstantial. When the temporary high of good wears off, or something bad happens, then we are suddenly unhappy again. This kind of practice puts us on a rollercoaster of up & down, happy & sad, stress & peace. It's completely dependent on what is outside of us. But true happiness is what's inside of us. It's what radiates out from us regardless of what our external life looks like.

The Lotus Flower encompasses this idea, and so much more. Lotus's only grow out of the mud. A lotus will not grow out of clean water, but out of a mucky, dirty swamp. This swamp is our external life, it is our environment full of difficult people, financial stress, failed relationships and daily disappointments. What's amazing about the Lotus is that it will always come out on the surface untouched by the slime & sludge. It feeds on this environment and grows into a perfect vibrant bloom that is completely unaffected by the dirty swamp.

In observing the Lotus, we learn that no matter what our external circumstances are, we can remain pure, clear & whole. We can come out untouched by the muck of the world. Lasting peace & happiness is attainable, regardless of what's happening around us. We can shine so brightly that we are undamped by the turmoil of the World, even when we are part of the World. This truth holds constant time and time again for those who dare have the courage to practice it.

By fostering self-awareness, letting go of our 'story' and practicing the feeling of peace & compassion, we can learn to attain pure joy in the midst of chaos & difficulties. You can be the Lotus. The amazing thing about this practice is not only that we find our lasting happiness by learning to control our emotional reactions from the inside, but that we become the light... And the thing everybody knows about the light is that it will always vanquish the darkness.

As the Lotus Flower seeds and more rise up to the surface, they will clean out the muck. The lotus literally takes the filth and transforms it into clean, clear water. This is reflective of our own life. Not only can we become unaffected by the corruption and hatred of the world, but we can be the light that shines onto others, relieving them from the shadows & revealing the light. As we radiate our joy out, we spread our peace and happiness to those around us. We become like the beacon of the lighthouse, guiding those lost in the darkness safely to the shore.

The lotus brings the understanding that you can take whatever your life has to throw at you, and come out on the surface clean, whole & vibrant. We need only to allow our Divinity to shine brightly through us. Learn from the Lotus Flower and become the rock in the storm. Stand strong in your conviction to be the Light of the World. In doing so you will help others to become their own source of light, allowing them to shine their joy & peace outward to others.

Namaste - Andi

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